What is ovarian cancer?


Anatomy of ovaries

With the annual number of cases exceeding 200,000 worldwide, ovarian cancer is the 8th most common cancer in females. Ovarian Cancer starts in the patient’s ovaries when the normal cells transition into cancer cells that start growing at a faster pace. In the early stages, ovarian cancer remains confined to the ovaries but over time, these cancer cells start to invade other parts of the body as well.


Doctors are still unclear about what causes ovarian cancer but they’ve come up with a few plausible reasons and risk factors that explain the onset. Mutations in the DNA of the ovarian cells are thought to be one of the reasons for ovarian cancer. Apart from that, there are risk factors like being old, having a family history of cancer, endometriosis, etc.


Although ovarian cancer is not easy to detect at the initial phases because the signs of the disease overlap with many other diseases. But, you can also keep a look at some of the unusual signs and get screened to help detect them early. Some of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer that you should look out for include: discomfort in the pelvic region, weight loss, frequent urination, back pain, etc. If your body is showing any of these symptoms you should visit a doctor to get diagnosed and start the treatment as soon as possible.

How is ovarian cancer diagnosed in clinics abroad?

When oncologists suspect that the patient might be showing the signs of ovarian cancer. They ask the patient about their previous medical records, family history and perform different diagnostic tests. Clinics abroad offer patients diagnostic tests like:


Physical examination During this examination the doctor examines the pelvic region and inserts gloved fingers into the patient’s vagina and uses the other hand to press the abdomen. This helps to feel any sort of abnormal growth in the region.
Oncomarker blood test The ovarian cancer cells produce a protein CA-125 which is a tumor marker. Doctors perform this test to assess the level of tumor markers in the patients. Having a high level of CA-125 in the blood indicates that the patient has ovarian cancer cells. Still, this test isn’t enough to make an accurate diagnosis. Doctors still perform a few other tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Diagnostic imaging Clinics abroad offer patients different types of imaging techniques that help to visualize the tumor cells. These include:
Ultrasound To get a better and clearer picture of the ovaries your doctor will suggest you get a transvaginal ultrasound. During the procedure, a probe is inserted into the vagina to visualize the pelvic region
CT, MRI, and PET-CT scans CT, MRI, and PET-CT scans are used to detect if ovarian cancer has spread to other body parts or not.
CT guided needle biopsy This is a two-in-one procedure that helps the doctor to take a sample of the ovarian tissue while visualizing it. During the procedure, the patient lays on the CT table and the doctor inserts a thin needle through the vagina to collect the tissue sample. Through the CT scanner, the doctor can see where there is growth. This adds to the accuracy of the procedure.

How do clinics abroad treat ovarian cancer?

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctors assign a stage to ovarian cancer. After that, a panel of doctors decides which type of treatment is suitable for the patient.

For patients who have localized ovarian cancer (cancer that is only affecting the ovaries and other nearby structures) surgery is done to remove cancer from target organs. In case ovarian cancer has spread beyond the ovaries such patients undergo systematic treatment that involves chemo, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, etc.




Oncologists plan the surgery for the removal of ovarian cancer after proper staging. This is important as it helps to identify which parts of the ovaries are affected due to cancer and what sort of surgery will be best to remove the ovarian cancer cells. Taking into consideration the diagnostic tests the type of surgery is planned.


If the ovarian cancer is in the initial stages and has affected only one of the ovaries in that case the doctor will only perform the surgery to remove one ovary & the fallopian tube. Patients undergoing this type of surgery can still have children.


If cancer has spread to both ovaries and connected structures. For such patients, doctors remove both the ovaries but the uterus isn’t removed. This surgery allows the patient to conceive either through frozen embryos or embryos from a donor.

For patients in which cancer has spread to the uterus and the neighboring lymph nodes, a hysterectomy is performed. After undergoing the surgery the patient won’t be able to conceive. Once the patient has undergone the surgery doctors recommend radiotherapy as well. This helps to kill the remaining cancer cells and to avoid the re-growth of cancer cells.


Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis



Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer

Chemo is effective for treating ovarian cancer that has spread to different parts of the body. For chemo, the drugs are either administered orally or intravenously. In certain cases, a combination of two or more drugs is given to the patient intravenously for a time of 4 weeks. Example of this combo for ovarian cancer treatment are the drugs taxol & carboplatin.


In certain cases, doctors also recommend the patient HIPEC in which the heated drugs are infused in the patient’s abdomen. HIPEC has shown good results for the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Hormonal therapy

During hormonal therapy, doctors administer drugs that block the production of estrogen. Ovarian cancer cells use this hormone for further growth. Blocking the production of the hormone halts the cancer cells’ growth. Different types of drugs are used in hormonal therapy examples include LHRH antagonists, aromatase inhibitors, tamoxifen, etc.

Target therapy

Target therapy focuses on the weak points of the tumor cells. This is possible by using drugs that target a particular trait of the cancer cells and works on blocking that. Examples include Avastin which stops the production of blood vessels and promotes the growth of cancer cells. Rubraca, Lynparza, etc.

Where can I get treatment for ovarian cancer abroad?

Clinics in Turkey, Spain, Germany, Israel, Korea, Austria, etc. are popular treatment destinations for international patients. The booming trend of medical tourism is due to the benefits patients get while visiting for treatment.


Medicglobus experts have compiled a list of some of the most suitable destinations for the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Leading Oncology Clinics


Turkey is probably one of the most frequently visited destinations for the treatment of oncological diseases like ovarian cancer. The country has over 40 clinics that are JCI accredited, which is the gold seal of quality.


Turkish Clinics for the treatment of ovarian cancer opt for a multi-disciplinary approach which involves the opinion of experts from the departments, medical oncology, radio-oncology, gynecological oncology, surgery, radiology, etc. This not just helps in making a comprehensive treatment plan for patients but also a personalized treatment that is as per the patients’ needs.


Clinics in Turkey are equipped with the latest technologies like CT-guided biopsy, MRI, PET-CT, Hysterectomy, Da Vinci Hysterectomy, Targeted therapy, Immunotherapy, and much more.


Doctors in Turkey are trained in international hospitals, have many years of expertise, and have high success rates for the treatment of ovarian cancer.


Collaboration of Turkish Clinics with world-renowned institutes like John Hopkins, MD Anderson, etc. helps the clinics to apply the recent protocols which are approved internationally.


Some of the renowned clinics in Turkey for cancer of the ovaries are;

иконка галочки Anadolu Hospital

иконка галочки Memorial Health Group

иконка галочки Medical Park Group of Hospitals


Spain is another destination that is deemed suitable for patients seeking treatment for ovarian cancer. Clinics in Spain adopt the international treatment protocols & work in collaboration with leading hospitals like Sloan Kettering.


Spain has one of the largest hospital holdings in the world “ Quironsalud Health Group”. This network of clinics is now expanding in many other countries apart from Spain.


Other renowned hospitals in Spain are:

иконка галочки Navarra Hospital

иконка галочки Vithas Health Group



University Hospitals in Germany are popular for implementing the newest treatment protocols due to the engagement in research activities alongside.

Clinical trials are being conducted for various treatment procedures & drugs for ovarian cancer.


Reputable German Hospitals include:



To learn more about ovarian cancer or to get a consultation on cancer treatment abroad, leave your application on the Medicglobus website. Our coordinating doctors will call you back at your phone number and answer all your questions.

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